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NoBooksOnTour - back on the road!

NoBooksOnTour pop up shop
Today, I dusted off my green pen (yes, I use certain coloured ink for certain different things/tasks - you can read more about that here).

What does that mean?

It means....NoBooksOnTour will be hitting the road again, very shortly! 

I think I'm gonna stay hush hush about when and where I'll be popping up, until just before.  Why?  Well, throughout 2020/2021, I found that the thing that really f*cked with my head was the not knowing what would go ahead and what wouldn't.  Every event that was cancelled, I was completely fine with, of course, but the not knowing, for months on end, and the constant updating my published events diary and social media events etc, really gave me a weird knot in my stomach.  I know it was all completely outwith all of our control, but as someone who strives to never let down or mess about my customers, event organisers or venues, every single one felt like a weird punch in the gut, that I couldn't do anything about.  I can't really explain it.  It was just weird, OK?! So, for various reasons, having enjoyed a good few pop ups in 2020 and 2021, but not having enjoyed the limbo of the entire situation, I decided to come off the road entirely for 2022.  It was different.  It was kind of nice.  It was mostly odd hahaha 

So I'm tentatively getting NoBooksOnTour back on the road in 2023!  I wont be doing anything even close to my pre-rona tours, of anything up to 100 events a year.  I am planning four or five pop ups this year, maximum.  I can not WAIT to see everyone face to face again, I'm actually proper excited typing this!  

Just hope I still have the stamina to drive for hours, handball my heavy pop up shop and books, and stand on my feet for 12+ hours a day.  Used to be normal, certainly isn't anymore hahaha

Make sure you're on my mailing list (sign up below), if you want to be first to hear of where and when you can catch!

~ Jo

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