The Kelpies - the awesome, awesome Kelpies!
I've only met The Kelpies once. If you have somehow missed their existence, they are the amaaaaaazing sculptural work of Andy Scott . The are in Falkirk, Scotland, and at 30 metres (around 100 foot) tall, are the tallest horse sculptures in the world. I can NOT express my awe of them. From the first glimpse of their commanding presence next to the motorway, to actually walking around their bases, I was just in glorious, glorious awe, of every bit of them. Let me explain. I'm very easy to please, but I'm very hard to impress, and impressed isn't even a strong enough word for how I felt meeting these guys. I know I keep using the word awe, but I was...over awed? Awe struck? I dunno. Absolutely blown away by them. The whole Helix area they live in has an amazing vibe about it, and I could have stayed for hours, just feeling the...awesomeness. I'll leave it to you to read more about Baron & Duke HERE if you'd like - and please do have a look at better photies than my shitey phone snap. I love Neil Barr's photo of them lit up at night
I will refrain from writing an essay about how we saw them from the motorway, but then completely lost sight of them once we turned in towards where they were. And I won't describe them in detail, as I can't do them justice. And I won't go on and on about the surreal feeling of calm that I felt whilst there. And I won't tell you how sad I was leaving them, not knowing when I'd next be back (never, so far!).
But I will mention that they were modeled on two real life Clydesdale horses (Oh, wait, another photo op here! haha)
But I will mention that they were modeled on two real life Clydesdale horses (Oh, wait, another photo op here! haha)
Not long after I met them, I was at a pop up, I don't remember where, and one of the visitors to my stall happened to have been - I SHIT you NOT - the actual real life farrier to the real life Baron! Or Duke! I can't remember which. Because that's what happens if you don't write stuff down haha I DO remember he told me that Duke is on the left, and you can remember that cos he's looking Down. D for Duke, D for Down. Please don't fact check me on that. Or anything else for that matter. My Dad is Irish and I do sometimes wonder if some of that rubbed off on me. Once day I'll tell you about how my Dad went to school with the Jolly Green Giant.
Anyhoo. That was my thoughts on meeting the Kelpies, and I do hope I will meet them again soon, and have more time to spend drinking in the atmosphere around their presence.
They're fucking awesome.
(Oh, so I then designed my folded book homage to them - sorry, I forgot that was the point of this post haha)
~ Jo