With the exception of the run up to Christmas, this would usually be the busiest month for
Black Isle Show
Highland Field Sports Fair
Turriff Show usually kick off the month, followed by the usual Aberdeen/Dundee/Glasgow/other pop ups - and usually by the middle of this month, my commissions diary is almost full until Christmas! So it’s a pretty intense few weeks.
It’s still weird not being on the constant circuit of event pop ups, I miss it, the buzz, the constant, seemingly impossible deadlines, but the novelty of being at home so much isn’t wearing off at all, so I’m not complaining!
Some weeks I’m working crazy hours to stay on top of my “orders dispatched within 7 days” promise (which is only possible because I’m NOT on the road all the time); and then other weeks I’m actually working something closer to part time hours, and enjoying the chance to just “be”…probably took me a full year to wind down to that acceptance of being able to switch off a wee bit.
It’s not been an easy 17 or so months, but as we enter the second main summer season of cancelled events, I’m embracing the silver lining, whilst crossing fingers that it’s third year lucky, next year 😉
Happy August folks!
~ Jo
With the exception of the run up to Christmas, this would usually be the busiest month for
Black Isle Show
Highland Field Sports Fair
Turriff Show usually kick off the month, followed by the usual Aberdeen/Dundee/Glasgow/other pop ups - and usually by the middle of this month, my commissions diary is almost full until Christmas! So it’s a pretty intense few weeks.
It’s still weird not being on the constant circuit of event pop ups, I miss it, the buzz, the constant, seemingly impossible deadlines, but the novelty of being at home so much isn’t wearing off at all, so I’m not complaining!
Some weeks I’m working crazy hours to stay on top of my “orders dispatched within 7 days” promise (which is only possible because I’m NOT on the road all the time); and then other weeks I’m actually working something closer to part time hours, and enjoying the chance to just “be”…probably took me a full year to wind down to that acceptance of being able to switch off a wee bit.
It’s not been an easy 17 or so months, but as we enter the second main summer season of cancelled events, I’m embracing the silver lining, whilst crossing fingers that it’s third year lucky, next year 😉
Happy August folks!
~ Jo