The front page of The Scotsman newspaper

I recently had the pleasure of working with VisitScotland, Scotland's National Tourist Board, to create a sculpture for them to use in promotional material for launching the new Gaelic Tourism Strategy, at the National Library of Scotland.

I was thrilled to see that their photoshoot featured on the front page of The Scotsman newspaper!
Based on my 'normal sized' Fàilte, I supersized the design in to a huge Encyclopaedia Britannica for them, ensuring that the accent over the 'a' sloped down from left to right, for Scots Gaelic, as opposed to the other way (á), which would be Irish Gaelic.
As with all of my work, I created this by hand folding the pages of a pre-loved book. For the supersized version, as seen in The Scotsman, I made in the region of 1450 individual folds/creases, using only the edge of The Spoon, to sculpt the word Fàilte - which simply translates as 'Welcome' ♥
You too can have your very own Fàilte, in either size -