Mother's Day UK is 4 weeks today!
It's that time of year folks!
What on Earth do we give the Mum who has everything? Well, lucky for me, I have the answer - a hand folded book sculpture, saying "Mum" is the perfect option!
It begins before Valentines Day, and lasts right up until a couple of days before the big day - which is Sunday 27th March this year - I go 'Mum blind' and it's a wonder I can remember how to fold anything else hahahaha
This year is no different, No Books HQ is covered in your Mum orders ♥
Far from being a Hallmark Holiday Marketing ruse, we've been celebrating some kind of Mother's Day as far back as BC times, and it's traditionally now marked on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Thanks Google.
So, sort your Mothers Day pressie right now, by either having a browse of, or taking the absolutely effortless option of ordering my most popular Mum HERE. Job done!
If you can say it with flowers, she'll remember it with a book
~ Jo