I’m Jo! Just Jo, just J-O, not short for anything. Jo.

My name isn’t short for anything, but I’m pretty short irl

Natural blonde - inked eyebrows.

Extroverted introvert

Painfully shy, yet…

Usually the loudest in the room

Pescatarian. Technically. Cringey label though.

Half Scottish, half Irish, can’t speak Gaelic

43 year old eyes, which finally now need glasses for folding!

Adore The Beatles and Eminem in equal measure

Mouth of a sailor

Can always find a silver lining

Left school at 15, and home at 17

Don’t enjoy whisky or bagpipes

Guiness is my alcoholic tipple of choice

But you'll rarely see me without a diet Bru near by!

Around 80% of my wardrobe features animal print

Sold double glazing in the distant past

Wish I could disable the talk function on my phone, I don’t use it for that

Worked in family pet shop for 20 years

Sleeping is my superpower

I loved my first (£100) car so much, that I bought an identical (£350) one for parts

True crime documentary junkie

Once bent over to pick retrieve a poorly thrown dart, and ripped my trousers from knee to crotch in front of a full pub

Lifelong dog person, but cats are so much easier

Pasta and veggie sushi do to my brain, what chocolate does to normal folk's

Keen walker, the longer the better

The mere sniff of apple juice has me queasy at the memory of a cider fuelled, 15 year old me

I love denim, but dislike jeans

Alway hoped to be a juror, until I was a juror

Zumba/Clubbercise/Glow addict. I do 10+ classes a week

I own more PJs than clothes

I drink upwards of 10 pints of tea a day

child free by choice

I watch Jaws any time it’s on telly

Gained 8+ stone whilst building my business - have now lost 9.5 stone (update: Now down over 10.5 stone)

I have to have the telly/radio on all night, if it goes off, I wake up, annoyed at the ether

If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be right here in ma hoosey
No, no, Northern Irish :) But with lots of German friends, and visits there often, hence lederhosen pics! heehee
Thought your dad was German..I remember an ledenhauser pic