Oooo Ohhhhh zero oh 0?!

Recently, a chap got in touch, who had been gifted a book for his 70th. So taken with it he was, that he wanted similar for his son's 30th, and requested a book of this colour, which he'd seen pop up on product shots here. Of course, working with reclaimed books, the books I have to hand change all the time, but it just so happened, I'd taken delivery of a collection of these smashing wee 1950s books, just a week or so ago, so I was delighted to be able to oblige.
When I finished folding it, I was really quite taken with the pattern the text had made in the middle of the zero - almost a perfect circle ♥ And if you look really closely, you'll see that the very edges of the pages are the same colour as the end papers and cover. Such pretty little books!
If you have a preference of colour, genre, hue of pages, just drop me a line. I can't make any promises, but I'll always do my best to oblige!