I've been called worse

I've had a few amusingly addressed parcels here at No Books HQ, but this is the only one I can find a photo of.
"Book Lady"
"Jo Books"
"The Book Wifie"
...often with no door number, and sometimes no village name, just the name of the main town over. Thank goodness for great posties hahaha
I also once had a most bamboozling parcel turn up at the side of the house. It was my name, but addressed to my old workplace, which is over 20 miles from home. I checked to see if my Mum (old boss) had dropped it off without letting me know, but she knew nothing about it.
To this day, I have no idea how it ended up here. When the address is a 30 minute drive away. But it was my name, and right enough, I hadn't worked there for a while. So it was great work by someone, but will perpetually confuse me.
And that was today's wee blog from The Lady Who Makes Books!
~ Jo
"Book Lady"
"Jo Books"
"The Book Wifie"
...often with no door number, and sometimes no village name, just the name of the main town over. Thank goodness for great posties hahaha
I also once had a most bamboozling parcel turn up at the side of the house. It was my name, but addressed to my old workplace, which is over 20 miles from home. I checked to see if my Mum (old boss) had dropped it off without letting me know, but she knew nothing about it.
To this day, I have no idea how it ended up here. When the address is a 30 minute drive away. But it was my name, and right enough, I hadn't worked there for a while. So it was great work by someone, but will perpetually confuse me.
And that was today's wee blog from The Lady Who Makes Books!
~ Jo