It's National Shark Awareness Day!

This actually began as a bit of an inside joke!
Every Wednesday, on the No Books Were Harmed Facebook page, we play "What's The Book Wednesday", where I post a page from one of my 4500+ books, and people have to guess the book - without using Google!
Playing for a cyber trophy and bragging rights, the competition can be tough!
For a while, no matter the book, one customer (well, customer, follower and stockist), would guess "Jaws", much to the amusement of all of us hahaha
So, when I happened to have a book which contained Jaws, I DID post it as that week's WTBW, and then I just HAD to fold a shark fin in to it!
I can't promise that I will always have such an appropriate title to hand, but I can always fold you your very own Danger Fin!
Pop over to the Facebook page every Wednesday, if you fancy joining in - it's often hilarious, and it's great for adding to your "books I want to read" list, too!
~ Jo